Monday, December 31, 2012


#wevideo & the #chromebook is a #matchmadeinheaven . People skeptical of chromebooks were wary of its inability to create quality #videos on them. Wevideo is an #online #videoediting tool that can do just that.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


#tools for #learning : #edtech #elearning #edu #education


#technology enhanced #learning : #edtech #education #edu #elearning

EdTech Ideas I Plan to Use in 2013 (New Year's Resolution)

I promised myself that I would catch up on my edtech reading during winter break. Here are the magazines and journals I collected throughout the year to find some great ideas I can use for tech integration in my school or use in my own classroom. 


So here some ideas I hope to use in 2013:

1. TED-Ed Lessons


TED’s education beta site provides teachers with great video “lessons worth sharing.” The videos are divided by series, subject, best flips (user created lessons), and YouTube. Teachers can create lessons around these videos.

2. Wevideo

This video-editing tool is on the cloud! So there is no software that needs to be downloaded onto your computer. You can upload your video through any device, edit it, and share it to multiple platforms. This can all be done anywhere with Internet connection. 

3. Use QR Codes for Educational Scavenger Hunt


I want to have students create their own educational scavenger hunt. They will focus and research a specific academic content. They will create driving questions that their classmates will need to answer. Through the use of QR codes, students will navigate to essential content websites that will help them answer the questions. 

QR Code Generators:

  • BeeTag

  • BeQRious

  • Delivr


  • Maestro

4. Turnitin Voice Comments


Turnitin has introduced Voice Comments that allows teachers to quickly provide personalized feedback to their students. This would save a lot of time for teachers who type comments. 

5. LEGO Mindstorms 


LEGO Mindstorms is a building kit  that allows students to create robots. Students would program the robot to perform tasks through its software. I think LEGO Mindstorms would be a fun way for students to experience STEM learning. Students would develop their soft skills (sociological abilities), as well hard skills (performance abilities). 


Friday, December 28, 2012

Max Themes Blog: ✎ If you see a UI walkthrough, they blew it


Clear, Rise and Solar are three examples of a trend of “gesture driven” apps with a flat UI. These are novelty apps for people lusting for the very latest in app design. Besides using a more flat UI style, which is a topic for a different discussion, all apps contain non-standard…

Max Themes Blog: ✎ If you see a UI walkthrough, they blew it

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The SAMR Model: Transforming Your Students' Learning Environment through Effective Technology


Screenshot from Transformation, Technology, and Education Presentation

The SAMR model guides edtech specialists and teachers in designing technology-integrated units to transform the learning environment. It is also a reflective tool for teachers to fine-tune their practices and pedagogy that involve technology.

Dr. Ruben Puentedura, a consultant in education technology, developed the SAMR model to categorize technology usage into four technological levels: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.

  1. The Substitution level is the lowest level of technology usage in the model. Students use a technology that replaces a traditional tool, but results in no change in functionality.

  2. In the Augmentation level, a traditional tool is also replaced with a new technology, but the result is a small enhancement in functionality.

  3. The Modification level, however, is the first level that exhibits transformation in a learning environment. This level of technological use  alters the whole design of a learning activity, which results in an increase in teacher/student productivity.

  4. The highest level of technological use is the Redefinition level.  This level consists of creative and innovative learning activities that were impossible to execute previously. The technology in this level allows students to perform authentic tasks that require students to communicate, collaborate, research, and think critically. The new technology helps students gain a deeper understanding of the content and help master important skills.

It is important to note that it is not always incorrect to be in the first two technological levels (known as the Enhancement levels). Teachers may need to start at these levels to transition into the higher technological levels (known as Transformation


Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Today I tried out a new web video editor, Mozilla’s PopcornMaker. This tool allows you to add content from the web to an online video. The content you can add consists of text, links, maps, and also live feeds.

For example, I used Buck Institute for Education’s (BIE) web video, “Project-Based Learning: Explained,” as the media source to create my remixed video. I added links to additional PBL information, a Wikipedia passage on PBL, Twitter feeds of #PBL and #PBLchat, as well as an image that explained the important components of PBL.  

This tool would be great for teachers who have blended or flipped classrooms. For example, if a science teacher assigns her students to watch a web video on oceans, but feels the video does not provide enough information, she can use PopcornMaker to add additional images, maps, Twitter feeds, and links on the topic. 


Sunday, December 23, 2012


Korea International School EdTech Team:

Infographic of Professional and Personal Qualities of an EdTech Specialist

Infographics in Education

An infographic creator can be a great tool for students to visually represent and organize their findings during the concluding step of the research process. Students can quickly and with clarity present their data and knowledge on their topic. 

Here are two websites your students can use to create their own infographics.


According to Piktochart’s blog, there are three essential tips to create a great infographic. 

  1. The message that is being presented should be relatable and applicable to the viewing audience.

  2. Present the information in a clever and unique way.  

  3. The body of the infographic needs to have a structured format (title, introduction, and points).

Using easlly, I created my own infographics regarding edtech. You can see how the visual and content are used to present a message. The visual includes appealing colors and simplistic graphics. The content includes data visualizations, such as charts and graphs, and text information. 




Friday, December 21, 2012

Ten Things I've Learned in Going Project-Based


Some good points from the list…

1.  Sometimes it fails. I had a project that seemed like it would work and then two days into it, I realized that it wasn’t working. It was too complex, too difficult and required resources we didn’t have.  

2.  Interdependence is critical. I used to view projects as independent activities and then I switched to totally dependence-based group projects. I now see a need for both, a sort-of middle zone that includes some independent and some group work. 

Ten Things I've Learned in Going Project-Based

Sharing the Student Learning that Goes on in Your Classroom

Here are the 3 ways I share my photos and videos of my students learning in my classroom. 

1. Smartphone (Samsung Galaxy SIII)image

This is how I capture most of my students’ learning since I have my smartphone at all times. I share my photos onto my edtech Instagram account, which then can be shared to Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr. The Galaxy SIII takes pretty good pictures (8 mega pixel auto focus camera), but it is not the best method of taking quality pictures. 

2. DSLR Camera (Nikon D5100)image

If I am planning to capture video footage (ex. Minecraft in education) or need higher-quality photos, I turn to my Nikon camera (16.2 mega pixel, full 1080p HD movies). However, the problem with this camera is that I can not share any of my photos to my edtech social network platforms. To remedy this problem, I bought a Eye-Fi memory card (Wi-Fi) that automatically uploads my photos onto my iPad. From there I share the photos and upload my videos onto Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube. 

3. Tablet Computer (iPad 2)image

I use my iPad as the last resort when documenting my students learning. Video recording is only 720p HD and it has a 0.92 mega pixel camera. However, I have access to a greater number of quality apps that enhance my photos. These apps also make it easy for me to share my photos and videos to my numerous social network accounts.  

An Example of a Photo I Shared


Here is a photo of Mr. Cabaluna’s class creating badges out of paper after earning them in Khan Academy. Creating physical badges added another motivating element to the learning activity. 

It is important to share successes with other teachers because it promotes the utilization of best practices. Sharing teaching successes is a great way for teachers to reflect on their own teaching and modify their instruction to make it more effective. Sharing ideas also builds relationships among teachers. Teachers can decide to collaborate on a project that is based on a success story.  

Places I share my photos and videos (Exclude Linkedin):


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Got my #eyefi yesterday! Finally I can automatically upload #photos & #videos from my #camera to my computer. This is going to be great for documenting my #students #learning in my #class . Thanks @artschultz13 ! #edtech


Data and information from Mary Meeker and Tom Segal

Global Internet Trends Concerning EdTech in 2012

  1. 1.1 Billion Smartphone Subscribers Worldwide (Find more students utilizing their smartphones in the classroom.)

  2. 67% Annual Monetization Growth for Mobile Apps (With monetization growth in app development, look for an increase in high-quality educational apps.)

  3. Encyclopedia Britannica Out of Print in 2012 (Textbook companies moving towards ebooks.)

  4. iPad Growth: Over 60,000 Global Unit Shipments in First 8 Quarters Launch (Expect some of your students to have an iPad at home that they can use for educational purposes.)

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Wait… the stuff we learn at school is important?


Old #computers are turned into #supercomputers for #cashstrapped #schools. #edtech #elearning #edchat

Friday, December 14, 2012

Project-Based Learning with Apple Technologies

What is Project-Based Learning?

I have transformed my learning environment by incorporating project-based learning (PBL) through the use of technology. Technology in the classroom has given my students the necessary tools to inquire complicated questions and solve rigorous challenges. Through PBL, my students have gained academic content knowledge and developed important 21st century skills, which includes information literacy, problem-solving, communication, and the use of digital media. The PBL process involves the introduction of a driving question, the culminating challenge, content research, student-generated products, and a summative assessment.

PBL entails student-centered activities that focus on authentic, real-world issues in the form of a driving question. This meaningful question is open-ended so that students can research and develop a solution through the utilization of technologies. For example, to review area and perimeter with my 3rd graders, I decided to have my students design a digital structure.   First, I presented students with this driving question, “What structures should architects design in a dense, highly populated city, where high energy consumption affects the environment negatively?” This was a meaningful and authentic question to the students because they live in Seoul, a city with 16,700 people per square kilometer. Their culminating challenge was to design a structure that would be superlative in a highly populated and high energy consuming city.


The technology-based research process in PBL benefits students in two different ways. First, students become subject matter “experts” by researching their respective topics. The 3rd grade students had to take on the role of architects with a specific design challenge. This challenge required students to understand architectural concepts that included sustainable building, micro-housing, and open-plan space. Students also needed to demonstrate basic skills in art and geometry. Second, students developed their information, communications, and technology (ICT) literacy. The “architects” visited relevant, educational websites to acquire the needed concepts and skills for their design solutions.  They completed a shared, digital graphic organizer to help them focus on crucial information.  



As a result of their inquiry and research, students demonstrated their learning by creating a product that solves the driving question.  Technology has allowed my students to create products that are solutions to their challenges. The architects utilized web-based tools to create digital floor plans and 3D models of their structure that included features in sustainable building and micro-housing.  These products were used to measure the students’ proficiency in the content and skills.

Apple Technologies in Project-Based Learning

Apple technologies have been a crucial part of transforming my classroom into a project-based learning environment.  In my class, we operate 24 Mac computers and 24 iPads.  These intuitive, user-friendly computers and their software makes it easier for the students to be engaged, actively participate in their own learning, inquire authentic problems, and create products that promote creativity and innovation.


The fourth grade students created an eBook using iBook Author to develop their writing strategies, specifically focusing on addressing one theme and organization structure, and locating relevant information for their writing. I challenged students to create a story about bullying so that they could read their eBooks to the kindergarten classes. This school-wide issue helped the students see how there is a connection between their academic work and their own real-life affairs. The students researched the topic of bullying, and found many solutions to what children can do when they encounter bullies. After writing their final draft, they typed out their stories into iBook Author. Their eBooks were then uploaded into the iPads that the fourth grade students used to read to the kindergartners. The iPad was the perfect device for the kindergartners because of its simple user interface. Overall, the fourth grade students were more motivated to create a quality product because these Apple technologies published their academic work electronically.


Another example of Apple technologies facilitating project-based learning was the Marketing Team project that provided students with this real-world problem:

Apple Inc. has discovered that a tech coordinator from a large district would like to purchase Apple devices for his schools planning to implement a 1:1 program. He has to choose between the Macbook Air and the iPad with retina display. As a result, Apple Inc. has sent their iPad marketing team and their Macbook Air marketing team to convince the tech coordinator to choose one of its products.

The purpose of this project was to develop my students’ 21st century skills that includes problem solving, communication and collaboration, creativity, and ICT literacy skills.The students were presented with the following question: “Which device, an iPad or Macbook Air, would be more beneficial to schools who plan to implement a 1:1 program?”

In order to answer the given question, each marketing team had to become subject matter experts of both devices. The teams had to find differences between the two devices, as well as discover the reasons why their device was better suited for an educational setting when compared to its counterpart. Each student took on the authentic role of a marketing team member as they created flyers/posters with Pages, a presentation using Keynote, and a features/specs data-comparison document using Numbers. These items were then given to our school’s technology coordinator to see which device would be best suited for his school. This subject-matter expert provided the teams with feedback, which was used as talking points in our classroom discussion. Apple technologies have allowed students to find solutions to complex questions, as well as create products that demonstrate their learning.

Successes in Using Apple Technologies for Project-Based Learning

Student content mastery, the increase in student motivation and engagement, and the enhancement of student 21st century skills were a few of the successes I have found when students used Apple technologies in problem-based learning.

After students completed a culminating challenge, our class discussions, as well as student-reflection writing responses, consisted of improved vocabulary and a better understanding of the content. PBL has produced students who are active in their own learning with self-directed research. This process counters the current system of learning which provides students with information through rote memorization.

I also found that student engagement and motivation increased through the use of technology. Technology allows students to make their own decisions in choosing appropriate tools and resources, solving complex problems, and in managing their projects. Providing students with this freedom allows them to take control of their learning and become engaged in the learning process. Additionally, these Apple technologies help students showcase their products publicly.  The public audience could range from peers, parents, community members, and experts in the field.  For example, the marketing teams in my Research Skills unit were required to persuade our school’s tech coordinator to buy their product for a 1:1 computing program. Showcasing their work publicly made their schoolwork meaningful and prompted students to take ownership of their learning. Students developed intrinsic motivation to understand content and master skills, due to the professional nature of the academic tasks.


Another success I have found is the development of my students’ 21st century skills, including critical thinking, communication, creativity, and inquiry skills. These skills are important because they are the foundational skills of lifelong learners and productive workers. Implementing PBL with technology has required my students to problem-solve and make difficult decisions while they prepare and take control of their project activities. There were also growth in communication and collaboration skills during group projects. For example, role-playing as marketing team members required my students to become a cohesive unit that shared important information and ideas with one another. In doing so, students produced original products that expressed new ideas and thinking. Students were also successful in developing their research skills that involved gathering information, and using the information to answer complex questions. Apple technologies, especially the iPad’s educational apps and Mac’s Safari web browser, allowed students to engage in interactive resources that provided essential content.

Additionally, I have found that my students have gained a sound understanding of different technology concepts and systems by operating Apple technologies. The simple user interface of Apple programs removed many fears students had about technology. The technology knowledge that they gained from using Apple products was also transferred into other technologies I introduced in the classroom. Some students were even able to troubleshoot technology systems independently.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


#students in #marketingteam created #advertisement products with #apple #pages #keynote and #numbers to convince which device #ipad or #macbookair is more suitable in an #education setting. Thanks @tsbray


#students created a #kindergarten #ebook for about #bullying with #apple #ibookauthor


#students practiced their#geometry #skills in #architecture #club