Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kindergarten Create Comic About Good Citizenship

Kindergarten students used Comic Life on the iPad to create a comic about the qualities of a good person. 

Steps taken in this lesson:

  • Read “Because of You” 

  • Have students take pictures of each other doing actions that good people do.

  • Open Comic Life on the iPad

  • Choose template

  • Add title, author’s name, speech bubbles, and photos

  • Have students present their comics to their classmates

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1st Grade "Zookeeper" Interviews Captured through the iPad

Nalisha Narsai, our 1st grade teacher, decided to have students become zookeepers of specific animals. The students were required to become “experts” through research on the Kid’s National Geographic website. 


A reporter interviewed her zookeepers about their animal. 


To capture the interviews, she had students video record using the iPads. 



Ms. Narsai used iMovie on the iPad to create her Zookeeper movie. If you plan to create a movie as well, make sure to record video AND photos.

Here are some resources to help you create your own movies on the iPad. 


MindUP Program

“MindUP™ is a family of social, emotional, and attentional self-regulatory strategies and skills developed for cultivating well-being and emotional balance.” -The Hawn Foundation website

Monday, January 28, 2013


1st grade #Students used #iPads to record animal interviews of “zookeepers”


Our #zookeeper for the #Animal project

Embracing social media use in schools with a toolkit for administrators


Embracing social media use in schools with a toolkit for administrators

Raising Boys Achievement in Blended Learning

Raising Boys Achievement in Blended Learning

#USA #Olympians visited our campus. The #athletes played games with our #1stgrade #students. The Winter #SpecialOlympics will be held in #Korea.


#Kindergarten #students using #ComicLife w/ #iPad to create good citizenship comics

Saturday, January 26, 2013


#Administrator using #Skitch for immediate informal #teacher observation feedback. Annotate a photo you take of #teachers in action. Share via email to teacher(s).


#VEX #robotics in #education . #21clhk

Friday, January 25, 2013


@colingally uses #minecraft with Unit of Inquiry criteria, concept based & Transdisciplinary skills. #edtech

Administrator Using Skitch For Immediate Feedback for Informal Teacher Observations

Provide Teachers Immediate Feedback for Informal Teacher Observations

Erin Zaich’s conference session, “Learn to Create Dynamic Audio/Visual Feedback on Essays, has inspired my principal, Danielle Rich, to provide her teachers with immediate feedback/comments during her informal teacher observations. 


I suggested that she use Skitch, an Evernote app, that allows you to annotate images with text, shapes, and sketches. 


Here are the steps an administrator would take in using Skitch for iPad to provide feedback:

  • Sign into your Evernote account or create one

  • New Skitch: You can take a photo, choose a photo from your camera roll, draw on a map, start with a blank page, or capture an image from the Web. In this case, it will be an image you took of your teacher (Choose a Photo). 

  • After you choose your photo, you can annotate it with the tool bar on the right.

  • Share via Email to the student you are giving feedback. The image can also be sent to all teachers if you find something that you would like to see in every class.

  • Tap Share

Here are her first couple Skitch messages: 




Every product or idea is a remix! Copy, Transform, & Combine. W/ @intrepid teacher #21clhk #edtech


@ebzaich replaces red pen w/ #digital & #audio using @edu creations #21chkl #edtech


@kellyed121 ‘s ChallengeBasedLearning unit that analyzed the factors that drive the #cagehomes in #HK and find solutions. #edtech

Thursday, January 24, 2013


There needs to be a balance in #edtech. Idea from @drlarryrosen ‘s keynote @ #21clhk #overstimulation (at Renaissance College 啟新書院)


Dr. Jenny Lane discussed how #mobilelearning brings the world into the #classroom, takes the classroom into the world, and takes the #teacher into the home. She also mentioned TPACK Model (technological pedagogical content knowledge) that connects and uses the three types of knowledge together to create effective & engaging tech integrated instruction.


Dr. Larry Rosen talks about how technology can be “weapons of mass DISTRACTION.” High use of technology can cause students to have anxiety. Additionally, there is no such thing as multitasking, but only task switching, which leads to shallow learning. #edtech #elearning #education #21clhk

How Teachers are Using Tumblr in the Classroom

How Teachers are Using Tumblr in the Classroom


These are a great idea!

This is awesome.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tech-Enhanced Drama Lesson

1. Have groups record footage with a mobile device (iPad).


2. Send the footage to a computer with a video-editing application (iMovie) via email OR use the an app to edit the footage. 


3. The completed movies are then sent to the school’s server folder.


4. Step 3 allows the teacher to project the movies from one location.


5. Students reflect on their learning through an online word processor (Google Docuements).


Images are from Ms. Mines’s drama lessons. 

Great Example of How Students Can Utilize Google Sites in the Classroom


Of course the daughter of Google’s Eric Schmidt knows how to use Google Sites effectively!

Eric Schmidt and his daughter Sophie took a tip to North Korea to promote the use of the Internet in the country. Sophie created a Google Site called It Might Not Get Weirder Than This to showcase what she learned from her extraordinary and controversial visit to the country. 

Google Sites as a Summative Assessment

Sophie’s website could be an example of a summative assessment product. She used her site to demonstrate and present the knowledge she gained from her experience in North Korea. Likewise, students in the classroom can demonstrate the knowledge they acquired from a unit through the creation of a Google Site. Teachers can also have students work in groups and use Google Site as a wiki tool. This option involves student collaboration, active student learning, and student progress-monitoring.

Teachers can use this authentic assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses in their knowledge of the content. 

Great Example of How Students Can Utilize Google Sites in the Classroom

Monday, January 21, 2013


Find and Get Directions to Your Colleagues at the Conference Using Google Latitude!

If your team is going to a conference, convention, or trade show, it can be quite difficult to find your colleagues in the mass chaos. Google Latitude could be the solution to this problem. Google Latitude allows you to locate your colleague and get directions to her/him. 

Here are the steps you will need to take to set up the tool for your iOS device (iPad or iPhone):


  1. Download Google Latitude

  2. Accept & Share 

  3. Sign into your Gmail account 

  4. Enter an email address (Gmail) or select from Google contacts

  5. Settings: Detect your location

Now you can tap on a friend and get directions to her/her.

  1. Download Google Maps

  2. Sign into your Google account

  3. Tap on the drop down menu and select Latitude

  4. Tap on the Add Friend icon

  5. Enter an email address (Gmail) or select from Google contacts

  6. Tap on a friend and go to Manage sharing

  7. Share best available location

Now you can tap on a friend and get directions to her/her. Select Hide your location if you would don’t want your friends to see your location. 

My team will be going to the 21st Century Learning Hong Kong conference this Thursday to Saturday (Jan 24th-26th), so we will test out this app, and see how well it locates us and provides directions to our colleagues’ location. 

How to Stop Google Latitude From Tracking You 

Turning off the app will not stop Google from tracking you. You will need to follow these simple steps: 


  1. Go to Settings on your iOS device 

  2. General

  3. Location Services

  4. Turn Latitude off


  1. Go to Settings on your Android device 

  2. Location Services

  3. Turn off “Location and Google”


Interactive quiz on animal groups using #keynote. #education #edtech #class

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fixing the Problems of Computer Labs

In the Edutopia blog post, “The Pros and Cons of Computer Labs”Mary Beth Hertz discussed the strengths and weaknesses of her computer lab. Here is the table that she created: 


I believe my school, Korea International School, has created a computer lab that resolves these cons. These resolutions have only been possible due to the large budget the school has reserved for educational technologies. Here is what my school has done:  

Limited Access as Shared Resource/Technology Removed from Classroom

  • iPad Cart (24 iPads) for preschool-2nd grade classes to book


  • 6 MacBook Carts for 3rd-5th grade classes

  • These carts allow teachers to easily and immediately integrate technology into their curriculum, especially tech skills and knowledge that their students learned in the computer lab.  


Room Layout

All the computers in the lab are against the walls. This allows me to monitor every computers’ screen to make sure students are on task. Additionally, my younger students don’t need to look over their monitors to listen to my instruction. If I need to get my students’ attention, I call out “Monitors off!” This requires my students to immediately turn off their monitors, turn around in their seats, and look at me for my instruction. 

With the introduction of collaborative online office suite applications (like Google Docs or Sky Drive), students don’t need to have books, paper, and pencils on their desktop to complete projects. Students utilize digital graphic organizers, resources, and tools to create  digital products. This gives students an uncluttered workspace to complete lessons and projects.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Need a Lesson Plan on the Upcoming Inauguration? (7th-12th)


PBS NewsHour offers a great lesson plan about the Presidential Inauguration. Here are the objectives of the lesson:

Students will: 

  1. Learn about the Constitutional provisions for the Presidential Inauguration.

  2. Learn the history of the Presidential Inauguration, including changes to the procedure and notable speeches.

  3. Work in small groups to analyze President Obama’s first inaugural address and to compare his ideas with the actions of his first term.

  4. Have an opportunity to predict the content of President Obama’s second inaugural address on January 21, 2013.

Fun Facts

There is also a PBS NewsHour supplement article that will inform students on the President’s Oath of Office, the Inaugural Address, and additional fun facts. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

47 percent of all gamers are girls: Implement Game-Based Learning?

47 percent of all gamers are girls: Implement Game-Based Learning?

Creating Digital Comics Using Web 2.0

According to Comic Life, there are numerous student benefits for creating comics in your classroom.

  • Reading Fluency

  • Writing in sequential order with logical conclusions

  • Represents their knowledge

  • Focuses on main points

  • Develops creativity

  • Provides an organized structure

  • Assessment

Here are three easy options for you elementary students to create comics that focus on any number of academic content:


  • Great characters and settings

  • Can flip, rotate, and resize characters

  • Con: Only three panels

2. Arthur’s Comic Creator


  • Great characters and settings

  • Can flip, rotate, and resize characters

  • Con: Only three panels

3. ReadWriteThink


  • Up to six panels

  • Multiple characters, props, and settings

  • Black and white (students can color comics after they are printed)

  • Con: Cannot flip, rotate, and resize characters

Cyber-Safety Comic Apps


I have incorporated comic creators into my Cyber Safety unit. My students created comics about cyberbullying, online safety, and forms of media. I used the Professor Garfield Cyberbullying apps (includes comics and interactive questions) to supplement my lessons. 

Video Versions of the Comics


Your students can watch the video versions of the cyber-safety comics on the Infinite Learning Lab.

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year's Resolution for Your Classroom Website via WIX


  1. Transparent Backgrounds

  2. No Cliche Textures (like bricks)

  3. No Extreme Gradients

  4. No Intro Page

New Year's Resolution for Your Classroom Website via WIX


Google Cultural Institute is a website designed to inform visitors about historical cultural stories through video, photographs, manuscripts, and exhibits. This website could be an essential research resource to any social studies unit or history course. You can find world changing events by time or topic. Each search will also provide you with related topics. Since this is a Google website, you can share your interesting findings through Google+! 


Inspirational Web Design for Your Class Website (w/ 2nd Grade Web Design Unit)


The Next Web’s article, 29 new inspiring responsive designs on the web, showcases numerous website examples that offer an excellent optimal viewing experience (e.g. easy reading and navigation). I think teachers and students should focus on effective web design techniques for their classroom website, ePortfolio, or class wiki to give them a smart, elegant, and aesthetically-pleasing look.  

Here are some of the examples that can inspire your classroom website:

1. Starbucks


2. Spigot Design


3. Microsoft


Here is my own classroom website that could provide you some design inspiration. I use Wix, a web-based platform that allows you to create stunning websites. 


Web Design Unit

I have also developed a Web Design unit for my 2nd grade class. The purpose of the unit is to teach students the skills and techniques that are required in developing quality websites. Students will create an ePortfolio that will allow them to reflect and showcase their academic work. Click here or the image to view the unit plan.


Saturday, January 12, 2013



Stevie Bathiche, the Director of Research in Microsoft’s Applied Sciences Group, showed the Verge the projects they are working on to hopefully one day develop a holodeck (simulated reality facility).  

Why would this be considered EdTech? Well, it seems that a holodeck classroom could be in our future (probably in the far future). A holodeck classroom full of students can interact with their simulated surroundings and teacher. Theoretically, students would be able to experience any type learning activity through this simulation.


Holodeck from a episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Flat Stereoscopic 3D Display that is steerable (As your head pivots or zooms in and out, the 3D image appropriately alters to make it seem like you are in the room.)

  • Special lens that shoots light out into your specific eye

  • Specific lights will turn on and off depending on where your head

  • Two strips of light that send different images to each of your eyes

Place cameras into the display

  • Display picks up your movement so that you can manipulate objects

  • Tracking is done FROM the display screen: capability to see infrared light and visible light, which will eventually lead to the goal of two people touching each other in a simulated reality

Stevie Bathiche believes that these projects are the components to the eventual “holodeck.”

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Virtual Learning Environment Benefiting Struggling Students


The Lake Elsinore district in California has implemented a program called the Virtual Learning Center. This online program allows struggling students to retake classes that they failed in their traditional setting classrooms. The program allows students to take charge their learning, and learn at their own paceHere are some of the specifics of the program:

  • Students get to decide when, where (home, school, etc…), and how they learn 

  • Greater access to courses in alternative formats

  • Students work and learn at their own pace (review videos, activities, etc…)

  • Students see their teachers only on test days

  • VLC IT staff visits each high school one day a week: Initially, the IT staff member worked everyday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. However, he found out that he was rarely needed because the platform and equipment were easy to use. 

Visiting the Lake Elsinore VLC website, I found that they use Plato Learning Environment

Virtual Learning Environment Benefiting Struggling Students

5 Challenges Solved by EdTech

5 Challenges Solved by EdTech

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Human Element of Blended Learning

According to Michael Griffie, blended learning requires the human element of teaching and modeling positive behavior for it to succeed in an urban setting. 

His school uses the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) system to encourage students to be respectful, responsible and safe. 


Blended learning is an approach that combines computer activities and direct instruction together. This can be done through classroom rotations or a flex model (online activities that deliver most of the curricula). This gives time for teachers to target smaller groups who need help. 

Here’s an example of how a blended learning environment looks like from New Classrooms:


The Human Element of Blended Learning

Tagxedo: Create Fun Word Clouds with Twitter ID, URL...

Tagxedo let’s you create word clouds out of your URL, Twitter ID, account, news, search or RSS. Here is an example of a word cloud I created of my edtech blog:

As you can see in the second image, you can customize the font, theme, color, orientation, and shape of your word cloud. Share your creation via Facebook and Twitter.

Check out this video by eduTecher. It explains how to use Tagxedo very thoroughly.