Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Master Project Reflection #1: 1:1 Computing!!!

For my last semester of my master’s program, I am taking EDEL 594: Research Seminar, which will be taught by Tim, Green, Ph.d. On the syllabus, it states that “learners in this course will complete their culminating project, which synthesizes the knowledge and skills acquired during their Master’s program and which presents a new product that can benefit the profession of education.” For the culminating project I plan to create a handbook that describes the most effective process of implementing a 1:1 computing program into a school. 

I am extremely excited about this master project. I currently work at Korea International School that has already implemented this type of program for the middle and high school departments. I hope to see first hand the benefits of 1:1 computing and also its unproductive aspects (My guess would be the access to social network sites). 

I believe creating a handbook that describes the framework implementing a 1:1 computer program will benefit my career as well. I would be attractive to schools who are thinking about using this type of program. I can supply my handbook to a school and be part of the implementation process. I believe 1:1 computing is the future for all schools. I think a person who knows the ins and outs of this program would be valuable to any school.  

What I am nervous about is the lack of research that has been done on this topic. This topic is not fairly new (I found some schools have used 1:1 since 1993), but there hasn’t been much research. I have found a couple of articles, but I don’t think they will be enough for a lit review. 

The obvious questions I have for this topic are:

  • What are the benefits of having a 1:1 computing program in a school?

  • What is the most effective process of implementing this program into a school?

I also would like to know whether 1:1 computing is a necessity. This program can be expensive to implement. So if there are only small benefits that come out of having this program, is it really worth the high cost? 

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